Is It True and Right?

Paris, France 2010: The bullet trains running under the English Channel between London and Paris demonstrate impressive feats of engineering. Isaiah got a kick out of it all, no doubt. As for disciples of Jesus, we must answer simple engineering questions in what we face. For starters, when told or taught something, we could and should firstly ask and answer ourselves, “Is It True and Right?” Such must be much easier than running trains under the sea bed. Surely we can do it.

From Trent Ling:

“The Teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true.” Ecclesiastes 12:10.

Fellowship in Jesus Christ carries high temperatures, higher pressures, and the highest of stakes.  Inside this crock-pot of God’s Kingdom, escapes, excuses, and errors tragically neutralize healing salts.  True disciples of Jesus must resist entertaining Satan’s counterfeit exodus offers, and must make it in God’s Church in fellowship with actual brothers and sisters in Christ.

Musing as to whether the messenger loves them thwarts many disciples.  But, what of messengers who are donkeys, kings, angels, or signs?  Getting blood from the proverbial turnip should prove easier than bleeding love from any of those well-documented servants of the Most High.  Surely, whether the messenger loves me or not has nothing to do with the actual message for me.  Let me consider the message as to whether it’s true and right.  The spiritual state and shortfalls of the envelope bearer may be a subsequent ministering matter, but set it aside as a completely separate and secondary venture.

Similarly, many disciples consider the status of the messenger.  Is this India?  Hollywood?  Is the Kingdom a matter of castes?  A-listers versus B-listers?  God has not, and will not, orchestrate His world or plans to suit our earthly desires and tediously unnecessary special requests.  Read the Bible, ask the title question above, and be done already.  The status of the messenger?  Please!

Further, others shame themselves in asking whether they are okay with the tone of the messenger.  Those greeted by messengers in the Bible often fell as though dead.  Certainly, our tones run milder than those acceptable near coma-inducing reverberations.  Tone?  Seriously?

Finally, some care about being respected by the courier from heaven.  Really?  Aren’t disciples of Jesus humbled and convicted over their own wretchedness?  With fallen lives adversely measured by the Scriptures, from which source emanates this respect barometer and insistence?  All done now?

God gave us a Bible and it provides the definitive Word on “true and right.”  It spares everyone the pointless and fruitless detours and gabfests routinely sought in the fellowship body.  Can you learn from anyone and then confirm it from the Scriptures?  Yes?  Hallelujah then, and put to death the common shenanigans, side shows, and spiritually awkward dance card requests.

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