Ministry Dog, Xena, Turns Ten

Denver, CO 2010: Xena Ling has flown over 30,000 miles on various airliners over her ten years. Stuffed under the seat in her “carrier,” she understands the routine and never complains. Fellow passengers are usually flabbergasted to find out later that she was under there the whole time without making so much as a peep. From Xena, all could learn much about submission.

From Trent Ling:

Today marks the tenth birthday of loyal ministry mainstay, Xena Ling.  Without a doubt, nobody loves the ministry with as much unwavering enthusiasm as she does.  In fact, as the ministry gatherings have shifted toward the public, thereby reducing her hosting opportunities, Xena has remained the one steadfast protestor against those changes specifically.  Oh, how it would be different if she was in charge…

In this body of Christ, Xena has been everyone’s dog!  She’s seen many come and go in the faith, but remains friendly and easygoing toward all.  Arriving on the scene seventy days after birth, Xena has weathered the growth of this gang of disciples for the past decade.  And, what a growth and what a decade it has been!

Despite the ailments of a seventy-year-old (dog years), Xena longingly looks for the influx of visitors to which she had long become accustomed.  Despite her food and grass allergies, a smattering of bumps, selective hearing, clouding vision, rotund mid-section, and all-around spoiled existence, Xena still demonstrates a pep in her step and a sincerity in her face.

Truly God made Xena for the ministry and the parallel between her timeline and the ministry timeline offers substantial yet ironic perspective.  As we know here, we are called to overcome and defeat Xena in a game of living the Bible; yet by the miraculous and humorous hand of God, she makes it very difficult on us.

Yes, Xena is the perfect little ministry dog, and we salute her in her milestone achievement.  She will be working over a hambone later today to celebrate in her own territorial, back-to-nature, animalistic, down-to-business, don’t-bother-me-right-now, way.

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