Notice: Airwaves Page Updated

Branson, MO 2006: Like heads bobbing in open waters, some things need to be announced or they just might be missed or run over altogether. So, slow down in the No-Wake Zone.

This website’s Airwaves Page has been updated and refreshed for the first time since its launch date.  Designed to be a narrative warehouse for Trent Ling’s multi-media activities across each of the past five decades, the page will continue to grow and host a variety of Trent’s on-air antics and exploits.

“I like the orderliness of the site, and I appreciate its efforts to collect storytelling snippets here and there,” Trent shared. “Eventually, if not already, people will have a chance to know more than they’d ever need or want to know about my deal.  The goal in that is two-fold:  one, to have people take a look inwardly themselves and to start digging deeply; and two, to prove once and for all that anyone can do anything they set out to do.  My life proves that messing up does not at all preclude grasping the prize.  Whether it’s the airwaves or anything else, I have always been overly fortunate even while being substantially undeserving.”

With that, feel free to check out the updated Airwaves Page today.

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Notice: Airwaves Page Updated — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you and amen for your two-fold goals, Om Trent! May we understand and follow them as selfless examples in serving the Lord, and do away with being busy for our own self with hobbies of getting easily offended and disunited and finally distorting the goals.

  2. Very cool! It is amazing how you have kept these gold nuggets for so many years. I bet it must be awesome to see how God was training and preparing you to reach the masses through this website.

  3. Thanks for setting a great example for all of us, Trent. And also for providing endless supplies of gourmet food to digest 🙂