Podcast: Ripen in the Meantime

Athol, Idaho 2010:  After waiting in line and bracing for the Roundup, riders finally get their chance.  They key is to be ready when the times comes.

Athol, Idaho 2010: After waiting in line and bracing for the Roundup, riders finally get their chance. The key is to be ready when the times comes.

Trent Ling’s preached message, “Ripen in the Meantime” comes to the podcast library of the website today.

In a ministry and a world where time always seems short, making the most of every opportunity proves vital (just as the Scriptures so admonish).  Thus, disciples of Jesus must keep their heads, make preparations, and be ready for moments when the rubber hits the road. Forgoing the groundwork most assuredly results in a chronic inability to gain traction or make any meaningful progress.

“Invariably, even supposed disciples of Jesus are rarely ready to rumble when the time comes,” Trent laments. “Most often, disciples have failed to do much homework or leg work on their own in order to lead or even tolerate spicy fellowship, substantial meetings, intense prayer, the Lord’s Supper, or the fruitful reading of the Scriptures. Then, when time and opportunity have passed, those very same people want and need to redo what has already gone by the boards.  In this way, disciples can never catch up to the Kingdom, and they remain out of phase with the Spirit.  This message aims to correct permanently this common shortfall for those wishing to get up to speed for real.”

This message features the reading and preaching of the following Scriptures:

Jeremiah 24:2

Romans 1:11-13

Ecclesiastes 5:1

Hebrews 13:22

Instructions:  To download on a Mac, control-click the message link below and select a download option.  To download on a PC, right-click the link below and select a download option.  To hear the message outright, simply click the link below and you will be redirected to a listening page.

Podcast:  Ripen in the Meantime (December 18, 2010; 64:22)

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Podcast: Ripen in the Meantime — 1 Comment

  1. Amen for this message. I used to be lazy and wanted instant answers from Trent when I didn’t understand thing he said to me, especially when I was offended by what I heard; instead of looked up in the Bible in the meantime, I blurted what I thought and expecting the answer right then! It’s good to recognize that as a fool, now 🙂
    Ecclesiastes 5:1 Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong.