Trent TV: Clinton Fortuity

Today’s Trent TV episode tracks a sliver of recent history since news sources seem unable to keep pace.  For perspective, many observers now see Democratic President Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” programs (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) from the 1960’s as present-day budget busters.  The next Democratic Presidency of Jimmy Carter in the late 1970’s has largely been regarded as one of the greatest of failures in all of American history.  The only seemingly economically successful Democratic President in the past 60 years has been Bill Clinton.  Thus, current President Barack Obama popularly extols the virtues of Clinton as something to be eagerly remembered, esteemed, and restored.

“I often appeal to people against simply nodding their heads off their shoulders in agreement  with everything they hear,” Trent Ling shares. “Rather, statements and representations should be considered, investigated, and examined impartially. Along those lines, Bill Clinton was a rather lucky President.  Obama is non-specific about Clinton’s “great” policies; Romney and the GOP just let the Clinton rah-rah slide; and the myopic news media remains hopeless and helpless.  So, I figured I’d briefly remind people of how it actually went down since it appears that I was the only one there?”

For Trent’s take on the “Clinton Fortuity,” check-out the exclusive Trent TV video below:

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Trent TV: Clinton Fortuity — 2 Comments

  1. I never thought about it that way! People also forget how his presidency helped put in place NAFTA and the repealing of the Glass-Steagell Act. Companies were reaping in the benefit of lower overheads, our market flooded with cheap exports while the manufacturing jobs were sent abroad with NAFTA. Also, by repealing the Glass-Steagell Act which restricted the relationship between banks and security firms like Citicorp and Smith Barney which seemed to set the stage up for the mess in the 2000s.

    I remember having to read a lot on NAFTA during my environmental law course in college. And how ironic it was that the Clinton presidency was all about only greening the America’s as if we were a bubbled in island, by moving the manufacturing jobs out of the regulated states, we were in turn ironically helping destroy the environment – kind of a “not in my lawn” type mentality behind NAFTA. So Wal-Martish. And the same could be said about the repealing of the Glass-Steagall Act since it made monster conglomerates of already shady dealing companies. The poor were still the poor and no matter how many deregs or regs were put in place, what can really heal was never offered, I’m glad that what is offered in following God is straight and clear, as opposed to following worldly leaders.

    love you and thank you for sharing!