Trent TV: Doubly Stupid

Trent TV again ventures into humbling or hardening territory, depending upon the true nature of viewers’ hearts.  An effort is made to steer all away from the typical double whammy of double stupidity.

Of course, not many are smart.  To exacerbate matters, “… he who hates correction is stupid.”  Proverbs 12:1.  This death spiral must be avoided at all costs.

“Jesus’ call aims for grown-ups,” Trent reasons.  “It seems the rationale from heaven centers upon the assumption that people of a certain age know themselves and others well enough to be able to muster the necessary sobriety and humility when the true message of the faith comes across their paths.  In one of the strangest phenomena I witness, most people double down on stupidity just like I used to double down on risky hands in Vegas when I was out of control in the world. My hope is to call people out of this spastic and unnecessary course.”

For much more on “Doubly Stupid,” watch the exclusive Trent TV video below:

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Trent TV: Doubly Stupid — 6 Comments

  1. Wow! To see how I am doubly stupid! Wow! I have been the stupidest! Oh man, the glorious humility that is available as I trudge through life and do not report the difficulties and weaknesses – recognizing them as grace getting opportunities and to hit the bottom of the floor and wonder what happened! Wow, God you are so beautiful!

  2. My nature is one who hates correction. I have claimed that I am stupid, but it is not with a humble heart.
    When I am given more on my stupidity, I complain, refuse to get humble, harden my heart and go doubly stupid. Yes, in my case, it happens all the time.
    I know that it is not that I am not told, warned, advised, I have been given plenty. I can go on and on.
    I love this post and hopefully it stick to my mind and heart and grab the humility. Thank you!

  3. Being doubly stupid makes us deaf! At any given time, I could be doubly stupid following what I wanted, blocking any life-saving advice or rebuke–but, really the thinking that should always rescues us and I always offer to others being pridefully stubborn, offended, or with a hard heart: “Isn’t it for my good/ benefit?” Keep in mind 1 Cor. 8:2
    “The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know.”

  4. The word stupid is so offensive, but it is in the Bible! Like this one, Ecclesiastes 10:3 Even as he walks along the road, the fool lacks sense and shows everyone how stupid he is. God is so awesome, he’s not afraid to call it the way it is! My daughter is the best in not letting me get away with stupidity, she’ll let me know without hesitation! Amen for God’s grace in giving me the humility to take the correction, even from my own daughter.. so I won’t walk away with stupid #2!

  5. This commonality is so profound because it’s right front of your face. Until you humble yourself to stop looking so far ahead you won’t see it, and that’s from experience. In a world where the freedom to speak honestly is diminishing, I only hope that many can at least humble themselves to accept stupid #1 and humbly forego stupid #2.

  6. Proverbs 11:12, “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”

    If I can’t get over my “first stupidity” I will get over the second one by being humble. I can’t “lean on my own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5) anymore because it is flawed, inconsistent and full of faults. It only leads to “a darkened understanding”, which inevitably leads to a “hardened heart” (Ephesians 3:18). Being “doubly stupid” is simply stupid!