Trent TV: Evangelist, Educator, Esquire

Often asked to explain his outlandish activities, Trent offers a condensed version of his endless story by saying that he considers himself to be an evangelist, educator, and esquire.  Of course, many still wonder what that means specifically.

“God in Heaven has been way way too good to me from beginning until now” Trent admits. “I don’t really like to reduce all that he has done, enabled, and tolerated with me, but in order to make any sense concisely, I am the three E’s, and I do the work of the three E’s.”

For additional insight, view Trent’s semi-futile effort to explain it further on today’s Trent TV exclusive video below:

If your browser does not support and provide the embedded video above, visit Trent’s YouTube Page directly to find it and all other videos featured on this site.

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Trent TV: Evangelist, Educator, Esquire — 4 Comments

  1. Hey T, what you say is so true! Helping AJ get through 1st grade has been inspiring and humbling to me. I need to know something! Right now I can keep up with him but honestly, I’ll be lost by middle school. I am excited in my studies and excited to pay attention to whats going on around me. A life in Christ and some knowledge to go with it…… thats a beautiful thing! I am very grateful for the opportunity to go back to school, God is calling for it. College aside, with the internet anybody can know/learn something. Love you.

  2. I agree with Jules and Siauw :)! I also agree that being an evangelist and an educator goes hand in hand. As you state, both complement each other because we should spread the gospel and then educate disciples on how to live a fruitful, victorious life in Christ.

  3. Such an unusual title, 3M! How could one man do that? I am with Julie, thank you for the exhaustive efforts you’ve poured out. You’re the perfect guy to cary all these titles, by the grace of God. Amen!

  4. Thank you for the exhaustive efforts you pour out. When others are probably thinking of retiring you keep going! I hope that I have the same zeal as I grow older. I’m reminded of 1 Corinthians 2:2 in that Paul resolved to know nothing but only Christ and him crucified. Like you mention, you won’t last unless you have some working knowledge of the world and your surroundings, b/c when it comes time to decide why being a disciple is the only thing that matters, you will need to know how God has worked in our lives to deduce that Christ and him crucified are the only things of importance, just like Solomon’s conclusion after seeing and doing everything under the sun came to the same conclusion in Ecclesiastes 12:13 “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter:
    Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”