Trent TV: Food in the Bowl

Long ago, Trent Ling publicly preached the explanatory, full-disclosure message, “What Am I Up To?”  And yet, these days he still receives rolling inquiries as to what he is thinking, planning, and doing.  Today, he shares some of the heart of his efforts which include preaching, teaching, and going more public with his daily website.

“I nearly died desperately trying to find the truth,” Trent relates.  “Now, 21 years after finding it, I am still just trying to give it away to others, aiming to keep people alive and hopeful that real answers really do exist.  In that, I try to provide enough nourishment to keep people going long enough to work things out.”

In another exclusive Trent TV video below, Trent shares his goal in maintaining a daily place setting for any and all comers:

If your browser does not support and provide the embedded video above, visit Trent’s YouTube Page directly to find it and all other videos featured on this site.

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Trent TV: Food in the Bowl — 5 Comments

  1. Trent,
    I just realize what a service it is.. and that it is given free! I surely have been served so much and so long, but not eat well. In the recent time, I do not even touched the food, being busy with myself. Thank you Trent. Thank you God.
    I will start eat. Selamat makan!

  2. This “bowl of food” has been handcrafted by the Lord. The Lord is truly merciful and loving in providing this source of nutrition. Thank you Trent, for following God’s leading and serving the table.

    Now, Brothers and Sisters, let’s get to the meat of this. These are some questions that we should consider when reflecting on this post.
    • Do I know what I am up to or should be up when it comes to what really matters to God? Am I truly being a key player in advancing the Gospel of Jesus?
    • What is God asking me to do to feed those who don’t know and desperately need him?
    • Am I ready and prepared to “preach the word in season and out of season”? (2 Tim. 4: 2)

    The Lord will reveal to us what type of bowl we should create/use to advance his Gospel and he will provide the food to feed the hungry. If he provides the bowl and the food, then what is our role in this?

    The answer is simple. We are 1. salt and 2. “feeders”.
    1. Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth…” We have to draw unbelievers to Him with of savory relationship with him.
    2. In John 27: 17, Jesus asked Peter if he truly loved Him, After Peters acknowledgement, Jesus instructs Peter to feed His sheep. If we truly love our Lord nothing should be as important to us as feeding His sheep.

    Brothers and Sisters, we just have to connect the dots in our life and join what God is already doing. Let’s get ready, let’s get prepared, let’s fill the unbeliever’s life with flavor, let’s feed His sheep.

    Love you!


  3. Wow! I am powerless to do the things I need to do – without God, it is impossible!
    I can no longer be disobedient to the vision from Heaven. I am sorry Father that I have been just that. And thank you.
    This website has more food then one could imagine. . . . yet I am so bummed for those not using it.
    Love you