Trent TV: High Regard in Love

Today, Trent TV sheds light on a commonly missed and/or ignored reality.  In a ministry based upon love, all are accepted and taken seriously.  However, that often ironically begins a downward spiral for those who lose track of the ball and of the facts.

“People come to us as we came to Christ–busted down, given over, and out of options,” Trent Ling explains. “Unfortunately, just as we read about in the Scriptures, most do and will immediately forget these humble beginnings by showing God, his Son, and his people little regard soon thereafter.  My hope, as usual, is to help us all snap back to reality, before it snaps us in half, or worse.”

For more, catch the exclusive Trent TV video below:

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Trent TV: High Regard in Love — 5 Comments

  1. I find this message very helpful. It’s a great warning for me not to get a big head.

  2. Love is so beautiful. I mean really. It is so sad how the heart and mind can begin to get prideful and you not even see it. Yesterday I had a wonderful moment as I was just reviewing a conversation in my head, and I began to think how it could go a certain way — and quickly I was reminded to humble myself! “Humble yourself!” I did. . . quickly! Man, was that humbling — I didn’t even see the prideful thinking that was taking place. Thank you Lord! It is so important to be on our game! Guard our heart! (Prov 4:23)
    Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
    There we are — back to the love that is so beautiful — from God!
    Let’s just love others instead of ourselves! It really avoids so much trouble . . . . that comes down on the head of those who don’t or won’t do that.

  3. So true is the right word, Jamie. Jeremiah 6:15 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when I punish them,” says the LORD. I know too many who Trent held in high regard in love and walked around acting like they’re somebody. It’s so sad because they’re not getting away with it. Their folly are exposed! I wish for them to come back to their senses, I trully do!

  4. This is so true. There is so much love demonstrated by the way we engage each other to everyone’s benefit.
    This posting could be permanently placed on the home page to let visitors know that they will be loved and spoken to in love as they then get to decide how they are going to work out their relationship with the Lord. Love you.

  5. I’ve tasted it all, the being held in high regard, thinking I’m someone, being humbled by God… It really is a roller-coaster that I wish on no one, because of how (above all else) unnecessary it is. What I take from it is that we are revealed for who we are because the concern and work required to overcome the circumstance is removed here, leaving nothing but who we are to deal with. At that point, people get to decide if Jesus is really worth it, or if He was just good for “making our lives better.” Sadly, it’s most often the latter