Trent TV: Hypocrisy Alternatives

In a world where scandal breaks daily, those working hard to support their lies and conceal their hypocrisies could so easily exit the madness if they really wanted to do so.  Today’s Trent TV episode offers viable options to those who wish to escape the lands and arenas of such phoniness.

“I am forever grateful that making people happy with me has not registered as a goal of mine in a very, very long time,” Trent Ling exudes. “I have been delivered from pleasing people.  As a result, I can be real and straight, and never phony or false.  This same light and easy existence God has made available to everyone.  All it takes is the willingness common to four year olds.  Let us all take the better path on this deal.  Giving each other a merciful break in the exodus, let us chart out a cleaner, purer, and much more powerful tomorrow.”

Those interested in exiting hypocrisy’s demands can check out more in the exclusive Trent TV video below:

If your browser does not support and provide the embedded video above, visit Trent’s YouTube Page directly to find it and all other videos featured on this site.

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Trent TV: Hypocrisy Alternatives — 4 Comments

  1. Amen. I like it and have nothing to add. How sad, but true, and honest as opposed to hypocritical.
    Love you.

  2. This my favorite sentence: Phony Baloney are used to be my middle and last names =) But, I was shown how to be open (at a thought level), risking it all, and being vulnerable in this ministry, amen! I believe everyone can do it, too, if willing. And enjoy the time of refreshing that always comes each time (each time!) after openness.

  3. Wow, this is wonderful. It’s me. On Sunday I was thinking how I started my day and had plans to get some work done. Well those plans never transpired and I’m left standing like a hypocrite! (I’m going to do this. . . did you? No.). This was not happenstance! While going out to eat and having a lot on my mind, I’m so busy in thought that I’m divided from the current conversation and I try to catch up with questions that miss the discussion — it’s obvious! It’s dishonest and it’s deceiving. It shows I don’t care — and instead of honesty, I’ve tried to protect myself and cover the fact of my division. Fortunately I was caught by my daughter! I cannot continue through life as a phony! I am worldly, this is the world! Man, how delightfully humbling to learn this! Thank you.

  4. Amen bro, it’s true. People do expect the worst of other people and that has become the norm. One person burns the next, and so-on down the line and in full-circle. But just like everything else, God puts the ball in each person’s hands and asks “What are you going to do with it?” Thanks