Trent TV: Recognizability

Today’s Trent TV installment acknowledges and applauds the way in which God so confidently runs his Kingdom.  Those not close enough to God cannot speak, hear, or discern well enough to resolve competing messages and conflicting “truths.”  This issue permeates roles of leaders and followers alike.  And yet, so few people address the matter.

“My wife and I used to laugh heartily at the dogs in Disney’s ‘Aristocrats,'” Trent Ling recalls. “Our kids were very young and watched the movie regularly, and we would wait expectantly for the one dog to say to the other one, ‘Wait a minute; I’m the leader’ in a voice, drawl, and cadence which humorously demonstrated a serious void of any leadership talent.  Sadly, I have seen this same leader-in-name-only phenomenon across my years in the Kingdom of God.  Given the seriousness of that problem, it has become no laughing matter.  And, of course, the sheep are hardly innocent in all of this.  Everyone needs to meet the standards that God has set in the realm of recognizability.  There is simply no way around it anymore.”

For Trent’s take on this pressing issue, check out the exclusive Trent TV video below:

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Trent TV: Recognizability — 4 Comments

  1. Recognizing your voice as one seeking God’s face and fighting for our own good is no problem at all, Om Trent. I wish there will be more like yours!

  2. Recognizing His voice and following it is what living a Spirit-led life truly is. The problem is that people “follow like sheep” instead of following the voice of the Heavenly Shepherd. It is hard to hear among the loud and annoying “baas” of unasserted leaders, but we need true submission to Jesus to be able to recognize His voice and follow it. If the true submission to the Lord is not there, false shepherds will keep leading the sheep astray and the silly sheep will gladly keep jumping off the cliff to a powerless life.

  3. Thanks for this wake up call! You are the only leader so far that has voice I can recognize as Jesus’ voice, and I have no hesitation to follow your voice. May God continue to give me eyes that can see and ears that can hear so I can recognize the voice in the middle of chaos. Many will pretend to have the voice and I don’t want to be that gullible sheep who can’t recognize the voice. Awesome reminder! May we all continue to seek God first.

  4. For so long I have tried to lead as someone would from the world — from human effort. That is how phony people try to lead – wow, I’ve been a phony! I’ve had good moments but the real leader is the one who is consistently — that recognizable voice — the voice lead by Jesus Christ. God is so beautiful in His orchestration of His Kingdom! Thank you for this. Love you.