Trent TV: Scrambling for Solutions

As an evangelist and esquire, Trent Ling has long made much of God’s great hand crafting the Bible and prompting the drafting and enactment of the U.S. Constitution.  Now, with both works largely overlooked, misunderstood, under-appreciated, and/or ignored, society seems more and more on the verge of coming apart.

“It takes time, but eventually we must see our human limitations,” Trent reasons.  “For how long will the people continue to tolerate the same old, redundant explanations of social phenomenon?  At some point, a new view of the world must get its day and receive due consideration.  The obvious and painful impotence of current explanations should one day give rise to the truth getting a fair and ripe hearing.”

Nearly speechless and unsure as to where even to begin, Trent broaches the subject of society stretching its limits in today’s exclusive Trent TV video below:

For further listening and information, feel free to visit the video-referenced “Terrorism Solution” audio podcast.

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Trent TV: Scrambling for Solutions — 4 Comments

  1. Hey Siauw, I was reading your response, and as you share that you wish you could sit down with the soldiers and share with them what you know, there are real websites that you can contact soldiers through and send them mail, anyways it is just an option. I know sometimes news channels and newspapers have info on this as well esp. during the holidays, as you know you can google everything and research , hope this helps. The soldiers lay down their lives every day for citizens all over the world to protect our country.
    Love you.

  2. In July, TIME magazine published a cover story ” One A Day” looking at the surge in suicides among active duty troops in 2012, with one service member dying per day, on average. They are looking for a solution to fix the situation. I am sadden and crushed to read this sad stories. I wish I can sit with them and share what I have… and hopefully many will stumble upon this website and start spreading the news.

  3. Thank you Trent and Julie. There has been plenty of writings by me – there must be some progress after that. Or I am just representing I don’t believe – how humbling. There is so much in the message from beginning to now and God’s will is supreme. I choose God’s will. Julie, you are so right about how “our selfishly sinful lives have impacted on some in such a damaging fashion to be likened to what makes it to the news.” That offers so much humility. No more adding to the mess and may God always be glorified. Love you

  4. I was so resistant to God’s will at times and I justified it. Having lived through a very rough upbringing I decided in heart I’ll look after myself and mine, “The world is a mess and it seems God doesn’t care.” Without knowing it, soon I became a mess just like the world. And that’s how it is with some of us, when something tragic happens, we scramble sometimes and try to point the fingers at laws, institutions, at people, etc. But we forget to point the finger back and start evaluating what sorts of things are evil deeds that we do ourselves in our individual lives. We individually in our selfishly sinful lives have impacted on some in such a damaging fashion to be likened to what makes it to the news.

    If one person each day for the rest of eternity chose God’s will over their own, we would be a far better world because of it. I for one choose to no longer add to the mess but rather do God’s will. I hope others do too without haste, I hope that’s the outcome of such horrible events. Love you and thank you!