Trent TV: Shoulder Your Own Load

Trent Ling dispenses with the rescue squads and calls each and every spiritual candidate to carry some of his or her own weight, starting today.

“It never fails,” Trent laments, “Those who claim to want to know something largely not only do nothing with it, but pretty much pay zero attention in the first place.  It’s astonishing.  The problem is nearly universal, not merely epidemic.  Today, we test those who claim to be different than that.”

While wrestling with its content, enjoy this Trent TV exclusive video below:

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Trent TV: Shoulder Your Own Load — 6 Comments

  1. Oh goodness, this couldn’t have come at a better time. Thanks for the encouragement! My comment might come from left field but here goes…your tv episode reminded me of how it’s weird and very noticeable when people don’t carry their load. As a disciple for instance if you are negligent parent you’re screaming tantrum throwing child will be an excellent indicator of where you are hypocritically going wrong. Well, for me, your episode struck a chord in me b/c of how I’m overweight, that load is not really being “carried” or “shouldered” by me. I’m just ignoring it. I’ve made attempts and continue to do so, but never in a revolutionary fashion. I can see how damaging that is not only to me, my family, but people who I could have potentially reached out be turned off by it and see how it illegitimatizes my relationship with God in their eyes. I can shoulder this one, and should, and remove that excuse. I so hope that what struck me right now, lasts and I’m able to persevere in it, that way it glorifies God the right way. Love you and thank you for sharing!

  2. I must be humble that for a 31 years old, I am a 3 years old in heart and mind. I have not shouldered my own burden and expected anybody else do that for me, even taking it for granted. Thank you for the shout out.

  3. The deeper I get into this, the more I realize that my shoulders matter more than ever. “It’s up to me” is a phrase that I embrace more and more lately and I am willing. Whatever is needed must be gotten to for God’s will. The world makes every effort ‘not to shoulder their own load’ but instead to either blame others or to take from others. I am familiar and guilty of such futile thinking and living; I’ve been there. May my days of futility be over and may I be enriched by the load of my own shoulders (my own lot: Ecc 5:18). I am encouraged that it is up to me and no one can do this for me. It’s God and me and that’s how it should be. ‘The Main Event’ & ‘Standing Alone’ have already been preached. Amen!

  4. I am reminded of Matthew 25:1-13, The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Carry my own oil because “you do not know the day or the hour.”

  5. Trent, I feel this website is a catalyst, an ignition chamber, a sparking system of sorts when it comes to necessary and pertinent spiritual issues, topics, and teachings for our lives.

    I want to my carry my own load and shoulder my own burdens because when I feel the weight on my back, it makes me realize that it is me and only me who is responsible for my own spiritual growth. The cool thing is that the Lord provides tools like this website to make the weight lighter and to lead the way because I am too focused on the load I am carrying. I would only be sabotaging my own spiritual life if I did not use or participated of this the God-given tool.

    I really believe that we need to “ignite” ourselves in daily discussion and fellowship in order to wrestle our spiritual growth as a holy community.

  6. This is doable. I am with you, if it is up to me, I don’t mind carrying others’ burdens. I don’t mind giving helps over and over and making sure they don’t feel unloved, but at some points they have to grow up! Just like our son, Za, is going to college; no more depending on his parents to make things happened for him. He’s responsible for himself, set his own alarm and able to make judgement. If Za can do that, you should be able to expect that from the adults especially adult disciples :0)