Trent TV: Treatment

Today, Trent Ling shines a little light on a subject prone to darkness.  The motives and treasures within hearts are often best displayed in how people treat a spectrum of other people.  Observation over time brings an undeniable exposure of all.

“Spiritually, far too many husbands and fathers have paid too much attention to me over the years,” Trent charges.  “Though I always redirect their attentions and efforts toward their own families, eventually a painful verdict must be accepted–that these self-seeking men have little interest in anyone who will not give them something.  This remains the greatest tragedy I have witnessed throughout my ministering years.”

For more on the topic of Treatment, check out today’s Trent TV exclusive video below:

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Trent TV: Treatment — 5 Comments

  1. I’ve never forgot you saying “the givers always win”. Not meaning the winning is the deal – it’s just what happens because of love for others. It really is the greatest 1 Cor. 13:13. Thank you for your example always – love is so much better. Love you

  2. We have an opportunity to give people the Truth. How has that not been exciting to me? I will join in the work. Thanks for the shock, your efforts are appreciated.

  3. Amen Trent. I was one of those people you’re talking about here. I remember how I used to give different treatment to different people. To the ones who were nice, I liked; I’d do anything for them.. be on their side and will go anywhere with them. I thought I don’t need anyone to judge me, I stop giving to those who can’t give me in return; whatever that mean?! Seriously, I thought I it was normal to treat those who are nice to you better. That was sad!! Amen for you teaching me the truth, to go deeper than what I used to understand of giving treatment to others. You have always treat others better than yourself, you don’t stop giving and pouring even when you don’t get anything in return from the receivers… but I know spiritually, you are the winner in all that you do. It is really sad when I see people who had been taught better left because there’s nothing more to get, it doesn’t benefit them anymore… that’s really sad! because I was that person, a taker! Thanks for being a great example of how to treat others and your “fruit bowl” – this site 🙂

  4. Amen – thanks for being an example in giving. We are all so blessed that we should pour out to those like you said who cannot pay us back.

  5. I get it. I can’t say that I have God’s love in my heart and not put it into action to make it a reality in the lives of others. As Trent says, Jesus came for the sick and not for the righteous (Matthew 9:13). Let’s face it! I was the sickest of the sick and someone stretch their compassionate hand to me on God’s behalf in other to get me out of my mud hole. I know what it feels like not to be able to give back in return. The key to an Old Faithful heart lies on the “The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant” when the king says “Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” (Matthew 18:33). My heart should be so grateful for His mercy towards me that it should automatically pour out mercy, compassion, and love for the needy. I agree with Trent, a giving heart expects nothing in return yet serves without ceasing.