Trent TV: Two Freedoms

Today, Trent Ling waves the banners of freedom for all.  Though subject to poor definition and rampant confusion, notions of freedom have rippled through human existence from its inception.  With all of the representations of Christ in this regard, and amidst the current political season featuring great professions of love for liberty, Trent figured he would broach the subject.

“I have known and cherished freedom from my very beginnings,” Trent shares.  “I was rightly raised and given all of the sovereignty that I could handle while growing up.  Later, when I got into spiritual trouble in order to humble me and redirect me, God threw open new freedom spigots in my favor to lavish even more emancipation upon my life.  Blessed with both freedoms, earthly and spiritual, I see that nothing else compares.  So, I try to help all lose their chains across all realms that they may also roam freely in the gardens of God.”

For more on the Two Freedoms, check out today’s Trent TV exclusive video below:

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Trent TV: Two Freedoms — 8 Comments

  1. Coming from Indonesia, having lived in the States, and currently staying in China–I know that some people just simply don’t even have the luxury to have any type of freedom at all. But, freedom in Christ is attainable everyone, once we are open to it. The freedom that let us walk with integrity–no double lives, no walking on eggshells, freedom from our crazy self (well, at least I’m speaking for myself). We can help ourself here.

  2. Also, I see how God offers an even further freedom (James 1:25) and that is the Truth (2 Tim 2:15) we read. The fellowship that is with God as you are guided by the Holy Spirit into and through the pages of His word is inexpressible as you’re offered a freedom to every thing, question, need, solution, etc. you throw at it! Praise God for His word! His perfect word.

  3. I can see how people are a fan of Freedom B, but to go the whole way and embrace the calling of the scriptures (Freedom A) requires humility and that is where people are just unwilling.

    Nobody wants to expose themselves for what they are, even though it will only bring glory to God.
    They are revealed for not being all that into God, but themselves.

  4. I look back at my life and simply can’t believe how I was depriving myself from the Freedom A, freedom from my chains of sin. Trying to be free through religious avenues only led me to frustration because the Bible was not coming alive in my life. But when I finally understood I had to step out of my religious box and had to experiment true repentance and live by His grace, the Lord broke the shackles and the tight grip sin had over me.

    Now that I accepted Freedom A, God has endowed me to be creative with Freedom B. The power of having God on my side now makes me dream bigger and accomplish more than I would have ever been able to do under bondage. It is funny, when I set out to do something and God opposes me, it is usually because He wants me to accomplish something bigger that the thing I set myself to do. His freedoms are amazing!!!

  5. Freedom is a wonderful privilege in the kingdom, so long as we do not use it as a cloak for unrighteous behavior.

  6. God is so real. I remember as a religious teenager memorizing Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. All these years later, and these two verses mean so much. My own understanding has done nothing but get me in trouble. All my ways must acknowledge Him and look at what He does. Thank you Father for the outlook of straight paths, and everything else you do perfectly. I submit to you Father for guidance in doing your will in these two beautiful freedoms.

  7. People crave the freedom to do whatever they want with no restraints but then end up making poor spiritual choices. They then live heavy lives due to their sinful natures and the fear of being caught or seen in their deeds. If you realize that God loves us openly that we may live openly, then you would truly enjoy and live in freedom. For if you live life correctly, meaning out in the open with no darkness to hide from then you are an open book and have true freedom daily. Making the right choices each day. Amen.

  8. Thank you for offering us to have the two freedom that we can have. Let’s hope we all be wise enough to say enough is enough, let’s have that freedom! I had always have the freedom to do what I want to do. The farther away from home the more freedom I got. But that freedom came to an end when sin started to creep in. With much freedom (in sin) came much more responsibility I had to juggle, to hide, to fix, bla… bla.., so much for Freedom, how did I got to this point? I was back to wanting the Freedom, because now I was being enslaved to sin! Amen for Jesus on the cross and his teaching, the truth, I am able to have and enjoy the two freedoms that Trent’s sharing here.