Trent TV: Wasted Youth

With a life saturated in dreams and possibilities in its early stages, Trent Ling has remained ultra-conscious of time and progress along the way.  Today, he laments a 22-year hit to his ministry hopes and plans.

“For the longest time, I took people at face value as they professed their commitment to God, faithfulness to Christ, and love for others,” Trent explains.  “But, just as we read in the Scriptures, people over-speak their lives and devotions to their shame and to the horror of all ultimately mal-affected.  With no more time to waste, I miss the easygoing days, but I cannot afford any longer to put my particular calling on hold.  It’s pretty much pedal to the medal until the end for me.  The anticipated, complementary work of others is no longer something I have the luxury to consider or talk about.  It’s a bummer for all concerned.”

For more on this topic, see Trent’s mini-rant in today’s exclusive Trent TV video below:

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Trent TV: Wasted Youth — 3 Comments

  1. There’s no way to make-up lost time. And like I need to learn there’s no use in regretting lost time. And there’s definitely no time to lose more time, so I’m hoping we all prove faithful and help God make it rain.

    A small side encouragement, is Lamentations 3:27 “It is good for a man to bear the yoke while he is young.” I see it was good and unfortunately it was a loss only to those who did not take up the yoke equally.

    thank you and love you

  2. Amen for the new season, our new season! May God make us that good soil, so when we listen to your preached messages, the word will grow and bare good fruit 🙂