Trent’s Contract for God

In 1990, having opened the Bible for the first time just five nights prior, Trent Ling (while a third-year law student running on fumes with a life in flames), freely and gladly signed on the bottom line to indicate that he would follow the Bible and forsake all alternatives going forward.  Of course, such epitomized a “by faith” decision which God so graciously honored as Trent had little idea that he was in for one wild and impossible ride.

“I vividly recall the fateful evening when I ‘signed up’ for a lifetime of the Bible,” Trent recalls more than 22 years later. “Michael, who met me and offered life to me, wrote out a nice little contract for me and God with regard to the Bible.  It clarified for me what I would be doing and the standards by which I would be thereafter living.  Having drifted dramatically and sadly into a whirlwind of a life, stability, direction, and accountability were exactly what I needed.  To stumble into those things sourced from the actual truth was the most merciful orchestration from Heaven imaginable.  Naturally a disaster, I was and will forever be grateful as God bears with me to honor my early, naive commitment to him and to his Word.  Thank you, God.  And thank you, Michael.”

Though the contract did not seal Trent’s deal with God that night, it definitely set him on his way to learn and discover the rest of the deal which unfurled from the Scriptures.  Below, Trent’s contract for God stands for all to see.  Signed on September 11, 1990, at 1:15 AM, its validity reigns then, now, and forevermore:

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Trent’s Contract for God — 4 Comments

  1. Wow, how sobering! I have my contract from 6:50pm on 3/9/1998. It’s been the best, most unpredictable, exciting, humbling, unsuspecting, challenging and encouraging 14 years of my life. Let’s be honest, I didn’t really know what I was signing at the time. What I did know is that my life up until that point was out of control and completely contrary to the scriptures; that was enough Truth to get my signature. God took it from there!

    Thank You Michael & Trent!! The world’s chance at the Truth one day indirectly began on September 11, 1990. That’s when it began for all of us…

  2. I never wrote out that wonderful contract. I will do it here:
    I, Dave Foster, decide to make the Bible my standard for living, forsaking the traditions of men, religious leaders, and personal feelings. Signed X YES Dave Foster.
    Thank you for the example! Love you

  3. Thanks to Michael, and thanks to you for you then wrote the same little note for me and God–for me to remember. It is simple, yet sets out the standard very clearly. And it doesn’t take much (I certainly didn’t have the full knowledge of the scriptures nor did I know what’s ahead), just faith and willingness to commit, to start with. And that is the best, right decision I have made that I can count on!

  4. Amen! It is great to have that conscience in our heart! Thanks to Michael, now we have you to be our real (living) example of how to walk humbly in the faith. I’m grateful for your submission to follow Christ as we follow you.