Video Preach: Brittle Beliefs

Scriptural teachings come as rude awakenings to many.  The tendency to believe what is easy, convenient, or plentiful leads most to drift far astray of the truth over time.  In this clip excerpted from his preached message, “Ping Pong Suicide” Trent Ling tries to awaken all to this deadly reality.

“God shows me things about me and about others in stark terms,” Trent shares.  “I am always appreciative of that, and I expect others to respond swiftly to such clarity as well.  Most of what I share is the convincing sales pitch God has already made to me.  I simply pass it on as the truth for those so interested, no matter how humbling.  Embraced, that truth sets everyone free.”

Beliefs not rooted in the Scriptures are bound to break down.  See the video clip below to get a flavor of the hour-long message determinedly preached to save us from ourselves:

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Video Preach: Brittle Beliefs — 4 Comments

  1. I need to be a man of Deep Conviction otherwise I’ll destroy my own people. What kind of standard is that you may ask?? In my natural self I am a man of Brittle Beliefs and it doesn’t take much to fall apart if I’m not in step with the Spirit. The bible is the standard of my life, most who know me know this to be true. However, there are times when I treat the bible more like cliff notes which fall short of the expectations of me. Like most, my own standards have proven to be pathetic, unrighteous and futile. I have seen the fruit of Deep Conviction and being in step and there is no comparison. It’s the only way to live. Thank you for the sobering reminder that God’s standard is much greater than that of my own.

  2. Oh I hear you, if I don’t know any better… I’d believe whatever I hear and QUICKLY have my own conversation in my head, believe what I think it is. I’ve seen worse, many believe that they will work their own relationship with God on their own, away from this ministry – what happen to work out our deal in the light? since God is light.. you should also be in the light, not going into the closet. Thank you for calling us to be more than ourselves, Trent.

  3. My standards and beliefs have to be aligned with God’s standards in order for me to successfully follow God’s program for my life (Check out “God’s Program” in the Links section). It would be so easy to create my own standards for living but it is equally easy to live a Deuteronomy 28 life of total chaos and destruction as a consequence of it. I don’t want my foundation to be brittle, I want my foundation to be on the Rock.

  4. Guilty! I am this guy. I can no longer move the standards of the Bible out of the way – they must be immovable. I am spread way to thin spiritually. In the head, I am that cat with no nose – not built! Thank you. Love you.