Trent TV: Spiritual COPD

Trent Ling shares the realization today that spiritual troubles often track and emulate physical problems.  While diagnoses put truths into the light for treatment, heartache marks most ministering efforts as cures from heaven transition from being ignored to being utterly forgotten.

“I’m still a crazy person,” Trent exclaims.  “Because I am so deeply convicted over God’s deliverance of my own impossible situations, I just believe it should be a relative piece of cake for everyone.  Yet, watching chronic spiritual diseases prevail indefinitely remains the norm and could easily become too much to stomach after all of these years.  I really do hope that we can take our medicine and get past what ails us.  None of it presents any match for God, Christ, or the Spirit.”

For more on the matter, check out today’s Trent TV exclusive video below:

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Trent TV: Spiritual COPD — 5 Comments

  1. I totally feel you here, what can we do if people insist on not taking the help they need. Yesterday was a humbling moment for me, we went swimming in the deep water with manatee and exploring the area – I’m not a good swimmer, though I’m well equipped with all the snorkel gear stuff… I didn’t know how to work it. Trent was laughing at me, with all these gear he said (I even grabbed a life jacket)… I still looked puzzled! To make a long story short, I figured out how to breathe under the water. Thanks for Trent’s patience even though he was laughing at me, I kept up with the group and breathed under the water for the longest time ever in my life 🙂 Without the snorkle gear I wouldn’t be able to enjoy and see what’s under the water 🙂

  2. Before I became a disciple, my spiritual “medical” history was pretty grim. In the past I have suffered from horrible spiritual illnesses that led me to my spiritual death bed, even when I professed to be a follower of Christ. Now that I have been healed from my illnesses, I have to avoid catching spiritual COPD at all costs. It can’t even reach the level of been spiritually wheezing. I have to stay “alert and self-controlled” (1 Thessalonians 5:6) to maintain my spiritual health.

  3. Before I became a disciple, my spiritual “medical” history was pretty grim. In the past I have suffered from horrible spiritual illnesses that led me to my spiritual death bed, even when I professed to be a follower of Christ. Now that I have been healed from my illnesses, I have to avoid catching spiritual COPD at all costs. It can’t even reach the level of been spiritually wheezing. I have to stay “alert and self-controlled” (1 Thessalonians 5:6) to maintain my spiritual health.

  4. COPD – Christ Offers Permanent Deliverance
    So true, just today – I almost went off on the anger kick because my engine need a new crankshaft. The salesperson started getting mad at me, and I could hear Jamie’s voice in my head saying listen and be humble. he and I agreed it would work out, and then I hear your message and I realize – I have a ways to go but, thank God you don’t quit good ole Charlie brown, we all need fans rooting us.

    Thank God for Jesus – and the brethren, and the deliverance the Lord offers us. Somewhere in Psalms it says let those who are wise remember God’s grace and mercy and not to take it for granted. I appreciate having a table like this to eat from.

  5. I work with people with COPD all day! Our company provides them with oxygen. And just today I’ve spoken with 2 patients that refused to continue using the oxygen equipment. One of them stated that it’s because the machine is too noisy and ugly. The other one said he felt fine and that he doesn’t need oxygen and that our company is just wanting to bill his insurance for the money.

    Both patients were desatting (meaning their oxygen level were below 88%), both really need it. If you don’t get the oxygen other internal organs just stop working properly. Normal oxygen levels are between 97% to 99%.

    I see the bible like I see the oxygen equipment, it’s spiritually and medically necessary. Yet how many excuses do people come up with to avoid using the bible that are similar to these oxygen patients about why they are not using the oxygen equipment? I know I can come up with many excuses myself but in the end the damage that the lack of using either one can cause is fatal.

    Thank you for sharing!