Trent TV: Camels and Gnats

Trent Ling’s ministering efforts reach to the depths of souls, while his educational aims spread across the spectra of people, times, and places.  Today, Trent shares a common bugaboo which tends to hinder people in heart, mind, and soul throughout their lifetimes.

“As ambitiously as I try to give away both truth and understanding, it’s usually small things that sadly morph into huge, impenetrable obstacles,” Trent confides.  “If we could hold humbly to proper perspective, we’d probably eliminate 80% of our setbacks in learning and growing.  Today, I hope to lower people into form-fitting roll cages that they might hold on and go for it no matter how it looks in the messy meantime.  The good stuff, the big things, and the promised land lie beyond this interim.”

For more on these prerequisite matters, check out today’s Trent TV exclusive video below:

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Trent TV: Camels and Gnats — 4 Comments

  1. Hey Dave, I just talked about it with you and TF 🙂
    The bible is so cool! This scripture is the bomb! Matthew 23:24 You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel. It’s very common for people to want to look good on the outside. Just recently, I heard a question raised from one of my relatives – why do you have to bring up ugly stuff that happened in the past? People don’t have to know that; you are a nice person.
    Last night, I even had a concern about my daughter’s freedom of speech, that’s also a gnat! The heart of the problem, the camel, will be for her to have her own relationship with God 🙂 I can’t ignore this fact, everyone has to have his/her own relationship with God, not straining gnats; like making sure she does the right thing, make sure he pays the bill, oh can’t go to the internet, oh can’t watch TV, oh can’t go to Starbuck, etc., etc.; when the real deal is you’re ignoring God’s.

  2. I have to evaluate my life closely in order to determine where the “deal mix-ups” are located. I don’t want to lose valuable kingdom time dealing with “dumb” things that hinder my effectiveness as a minister. Those hindrances might not even be there and I may be making a big deal out of them. I pray that God helps me focus on and not neglect the things that do matter… “justice, mercy and faithfulness.” (Matthew 23:23-24)

  3. I am so small minded. I am defeated at blades of grass. I have been holding onto toxic treasures. I have had hope that things will just get better – swallow, swallow, gulp, gulp. What a mess I have allowed. I must go pray. Love you